Don't worry, please contact our Customer Experience Specialist for assistance! Keep in mind that promo codes cannot be combined, nor can they be used during promotions as well, so double-check the fine print when a promotion is live to be sure!
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We hope you understand that promo codes cannot be combined, nor can multiple codes be applied to a single order.
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Always make sure to review your order summary before completing checkout to make sure you've got the best deal!
We recommend copying and pasting your exact code into the discount code box in your cart to apply your discount.
Keep in mind that promo codes cannot be combined, nor can they be used during promotions as well, so double-check the fine print when a promotion is live to be sure!
Alternatively, you may check in with our friendly Customer Experience Specialist for further assistance!
You may add a promo code at the shopping cart stage with the following steps:
1. Click on Cart Icon
2. Click Apply a promo code
3. Enter promo code
4. Click Apply
5. Proceed to Check out
Sit back relax and be ready to feel amazing with our products ~
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Please keep in mind that promo codes cannot be used in conjunction with any other code, offer or promotion.
Coco & Eve reserves the right to cancel or alter any promotion without prior notice. In the event of any dispute, the decision of Coco & Eve is final.
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